Our Commitment to Sustainability - F.I.L.A. Group

Our commitment

The F.I.L.A. S.p.A. Group wishes to pursue a new phase of growth based on an innovative strategy whose core focus is people and the planet, and which adopts a clear, transparent and efficient business model to increase profitability in a sustainable manner.

2025-2029 Sustainability Plan

The 2025-2029 Sustainability Plan seeks to integrate ESG topics into all business activities, and is based on eight pillars.

The 2025-2029 Sustainability Plan (part of the Group’s Strategic Plan) develops F.I.L.A.’s commitment to sustainability issues, with a view to continuous improvement, and clearly communicates the company’s strategies to all key stakeholders, while also outlining specific targets.

The Sustainability Plan analyses, integrates, and develops several components, including the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda promoted by the United Nations, the Group’s materiality analysis, and the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and mainly seeks to internalise sustainability issues into every business activity, organised into eight pillars.

Robust,transparent governance

Implementing sustainability governance in line with best practices and which permeates business processes, decision-making and operations, bringing together environmental, social and governance factors

SDG Goal 12 SDG Goal 16

Operating and financial

Creating sustainable value in the medium-/long-term for all stakeholders, protecting and enhancing the Group’s reputation.

SDG Goal 08 SDG Goal 09 SDG Goal 10

Respect for the environment
and resources

Protecting water-related ecosystems, optimising water efficiency, reducing environmental impacts, increasing energy efficiency and the use of clean technologies in manufacturing operations, combatting climate change.

SDG Goal 06 SDG Goal 07 SDG Goal 09 SDG Goal 13 SDG Goal 14 SDG Goal 15

Protecting occupational health
and safety

Protecting health and promoting a safe and secure working environment for all employees.

SDG Goal 03 SDG Goal 08

Respect, development and recognition
of employees and collaborators

Valuing people and fostering an inclusive culture of respect and equal treatment in the protection of all differences, not only those of gender.

SDG Goal 04 SDG Goal 05 SDG Goal 08 SDG Goal 10

Product quality
and safety

Promoting sustainable policies to maintain and improve the quality and safety of our products.

SDG Goal 09 SDG Goal 12

supply chain

Overseeing a supply chain which prioritises operators that guarantee inclusive employment and decent work and which promote the sustainable management of natural resources.

SDG Goal 08 SDG Goal 10 SDG Goal 15


Promoting sustainable policies to maintain and improve the quality and safety of our products.

SDG Goal 01 SDG Goal 09 SDG Goal 11

Sustainability Report 2023

Our stakeholders

The F.I.L.A. Group is committed to an open and transparent dialogue with all its key stakeholders.

The F.I.L.A. Group is committed to maintaining open and transparent communication with all its stakeholders, including those who have varying degrees of impact on the Company’s business or are influenced by it in different ways.

Stakeholder engagement is the systematic activity of engaging key stakeholders on relevant topics. With the goal of increasing mutual trust and obtaining information, ideas and solutions, which can help improve internal decision-making processes and the management of current and future risks, the Group in 2021 launched a structured stakeholder engagement process through the use of the AccountAbility 1000 (AA1000) standard methodology.

Below is the map of our stakeholders and the engagement activities carried out

Stakeholders' map

Below is the map of our stakeholders and the engagement activities carried out:

Stakeholders map e stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder Engagement Activities

Engagement Activities

Virtual conferences
Conferences organized by Borsa Italiana or brokers following the stock
Investor Day

Topics of Discussion

Periodic conferences for the presentation of Q1 2023, H1 2023, 9M 2023 results, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) topics.

Engagement Activities

Conference calls
Investor Day

Topics of Discussion

Q1 2023, H1 2023, 9M 2023 results, DOMS listing, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) topics.

Engagement Activities

Training and engagement on sustainability topics
Anonymous questionnaire administration
Quarterly internal newsletter

Topics of Discussion

The questionnaire explored topics regarding: F.I.L.A. and sustainability, material topics, and organizational well-being assessment.

Engagement Activities

Training and engagement on sustainability topics
Anonymous questionnaire administration
Quarterly internal newsletter

Topics of Discussion

The questionnaire explored topics regarding: F.I.L.A. and sustainability, material topics, and organizational well-being assessment.

Engagement Activities

Dialogue activities and customer satisfaction surveys (through points of sale, institutional website, web marketing, and media relations)
Participation in trade shows and sector events

Topics of Discussion

Product news, trends, industry challenges, sustainability, and processes of the entire supply chain

Engagement Activities

Dialogue activities and customer satisfaction surveys (through points of sale, institutional website, web marketing, and media relations)

Topics of Discussion

Product news, trends, industry challenges, sustainability, and processes of the entire supply chain

Engagement Activities

Remote roundtable

Topics of Discussion

Sustainability Plan, Material Topics, Education, and Culture in Sustainability

Engagement Activities

Meetings and gatherings

Topics of Discussion

Continuous dialogue with workers’ organizations.

Remote roundtable
Relations with municipal administrations

Topics of Discussion

Sustainability Plan, material topics, Sustainability Report, partnerships

Engagement Activities

Events and editorial initiatives

Topics of Discussion

Sustainability Plan, material topics, products, packaging

Engagement Activities

Remote roundtable

Topics of Discussion

Sustainability Plan, material topics, Sustainability Report, partnership