At F.I.L.A. we are convinced that sustainable success is inextricably linked to the people who make it happen, as they are an important factor in the Group’s competitiveness and development.
We are committed to safe, fair and inclusive workplaces, operating with full respect for the individual and the right to privacy and confidentiality. We listen to our people and adopt policies to foster the development of each employee’s professional skills and competencies.
The Group is aware that its operations have an impact on the regions and communities in which it operates. We therefore act with respect for human rights and promote concrete and shared initiatives to support local communities. We are involved in social projects around the world, from culture to scientific research.
The measures we adopt contribute to achieving the following Sustainable Development Goals:

Data as of 12/31/2023
Occupational health and safety certification
Safety affects everyone, which is why the F.I.L.A. Group uses an approach that relies on identifying risks in advance, training and the subsequent monitoring of all risk events (occupational injuries with prognoses of less than 120 days, injuries with prognoses of more than 120 days, occupational illnesses and safety reports).
In line with its stated 2022 goals, the Group is working toward obtaining ISO 45001 health and safety management certification for all production plant by 2025.
Relationships with the supplier chain
The F.I.L.A. Group considers ethical and transparent business relations a key element in the responsible and sustainable management of its business. The Group has therefore produced a “Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners” which contains general principles which are expected to be followed at all levels of supply chain management. This procedure is applicable to all Group branches and requires formal acceptance of the Code by suppliers and business partners.
The parent company F.I.L.A. S.p.A. in 2019 launched a structured project to engage key suppliers and verify their commitment to corporate values such as fairness, respect for the environment, product quality, and the protection of human rights. The Group targets the adoption of a Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners and Green Procurement for 90% of suppliers of goods with a turnover of more than Euro 10,000 by 2024.
Discover our sustainability policies